Yep, surprisingly we have gale forse winds from the north here at Greens Lake, Central VIC and 35c at 9am.
This is the stuff that puts your anchoring down skills to the test. All, well nearly all, going well so far. I just had one corner of my shade screen come loose but surprised it lasted so long in the first place cos it was a cheapy given to me. A temporary fix and all good again. I will decide what to do when things settle again and after the new year has got under way. That is, if I/we don't end up flying over to Tassie as that is the way things will take off for sure.
Have I said it's hot yet
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
G'day Doug.....hang on tight mate as more is coming from the NW
Had the Blast Furnace effect yesterday when at one stage temp reached 46C and big winds yesterday, hot night, but heaps cooler this morning and 'Huey" valiantly trying to drop some moisture but evaporating before reaching us.
Bloody 40 at Geelong yesterday in my van with hot wind ( Not gale force tho ) 26 in my daughters place, thank god for air con. 35 today with hot wind again this morning but the cold change arrived this arvo & ended up 24 ( only in Victoria )
Was supposed to bring her out today. About 1 pm the doctor came to tell her the blood tests from Saturday showed a high count in the white blood cells. So more blood tests today and she's been kept in. I'm camped the other side of Shepp as a lot closer than going back to Greens. Hopefully she will be out tomorrow, otherwise I arrive back at Greens with her two dogs as the Animal Rescue can't have them after tomorrow.