Yep, you could also look at the amps you get out of it when charging a low charge battery in full sun, for example I get a really steady 11 Amps out of 200 watt panels, pretty lousy as a measure as im sure there is a lot more that can affect it, but should give some idea
Perhaps look at the amps output when charging a battery that needs a fair chunk of charge (batteries near full charge take less amps) note that this can be affected by the battery and regulator so really a rough guess, but I get a steady 11 Amps out of my good quality 200 watt panels in good sunlight
As Jaahn said measure the panel, I'd also add to measure the cells and count how many there are. Get that info and post a pic of the panel and someone hear should be able to tell you what you have and it's output.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
Or disconnect the leads from the panel at the regulator (as you said the panel was fixed and can't get to the back of it) and measure the short circuit current across them while the panel is in full sun. That will give you a rough enough idea.
Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Thinking outside the square.... Go see a mechanic, most on them have those inspection cameras on a flexible thin shaft. Perhaps it could slide under the panel and take a snapshot of the sticker on the back which should tell you what you want.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
Smart phone can do that ? For pics .. Just go by size ? 1580 x 808 x 35 mm is a 200 watt 100 watt is 1200x540x35(mm)
Yep I often look beyond the technology I have on hand. Looked at mine and it even has a timer function, so could set it up on a stiff wire, pass it under the panel & wait for the click. Or go 1 better & put it into video mode.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.