Clipping mirros to the external mirrors works for me - there is a bit is shake at times, but mostly it is OK. Regarding the loose fitting, look up the Pajeroclub site and see if anyone has cured the problem.
I found that my clip-on mirrors (ALDI mirrors) worked well except for when a large road train passed close to me, and then the driver's side mirror was blown in by the wash of the passing truck. I eventually dug round in the back of my Pajero and found a short ocker strap, which I attached to the mirror frame and also to the wheel arch. This stopped the mirrors from blowing in for 95% of the time. Being elastic, when I open the driver's door, the strap doesn't lose its tension and it stays in place until I close the door again. If I had a rigid strap, it would probably fall off.
Reply. Not too sure about you pinching my patent!!! You have to be lucky enough to get an Ocker strap of the right length (I was) otherwise the mirrors may fold back and stay back. An alternative would be to use some light rope which will not extend under the wind pressure. I was considering doing that when I found my exact length ocker strap. The hook fits nicely on the inside of the front wheel flare piece and just fits under the mirror in the housing.
TAJ, if you're "not interested" in the best mirrors available why not look at GENUINE Aussie Truck Mirrors.
Yep they'll cost you more than Aldi specials but you wont have to compromise with makeshift ocky straps etc. and they will last you for a lot of K's therefore probably costing you less in the long run and you'll be safer and less frustrated with a rigid mounted mirror.
Either of these two come up on ebay from time to time and are usually very good value.