Noticed the original wire under the van to external ciga plugs has copped some damage over the years so I would like to replace it. Original wire appears to fine for my liking.
so i am asking what is the best size wire to use. Maximum run from battery area to rear of van 16 ft. 1x plug at both ends of van and 2 x plugs in awning area. These will ony be used to power / charge lights , batteries for tools. Have anderson plugs in van and tug for heavy draw items.
simply answers please would be appreciated. cheers
-- Edited by CC Bear on Friday 2nd of September 2016 08:08:35 AM
-- Edited by CC Bear on Friday 2nd of September 2016 08:09:33 AM
Our Rig
VAN December 2019 Goldstar 21ft
TUG 2017 Ford Ranger Wildtrak
Life Was Ment To Be Easy If You Have The Ability To Adapt
If you are going to run a portable fridge from the socket I would suggest 6mm auto wire which would also cater for most other lower current draw devices as you suggest.
I don't like lighter sockets the centre Spring tends to push plug out over time . Yes 6mm with its own fuse . In my RV I ended up making a cord direct to batter with insulated plug for portable fridge . Long enough to have fridge any where . I just fold wire / cable away when not in use . Which is very rare .,
Standard cig lighter plugs are max 10 amp load and Merit Style plugs are max 15 amp load. Each then needs to appropriate wire size to cover voltage drop over the required distance. If you need something with more load then use Anderson style plugs, again with the appropriate wire thickness for the distance required. For the distances given by the OP and the devices described, personally I'd use a 25 amp rated duel core 12 Volt cable on a Standard Plug or Merit plug and change the merit plug fuse from 15 amp to 10 amp if the appliances being powered are not fused.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.