The natural nomad (is) the man who all at once feels he must abandon home and friends and wander somewhere, anywhere away from the interminable sameness of houses and streets and people.
Adreamer that was Daisy Bates own interpretation of what she felt personally about being a nomad - from the dictionary nomad means "a member of a people that travels from place to place to find fresh pasture for its animals and has no permanent home" or "a person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer" People shouldn't take these things literally but listen to the wisdom behind the words. Regardless of that I'm sure that there will be a lot of people on this forum who agree with her sentiments me being one.
I agree with the wise Daisy Bates - except mine was not "all at once " - mine has been a long awaited event in my life - travel, where and when I want - meeting the most amazing people, seeing some amazing places, and knowing that this is the life I was meant for.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
That was the opinion of Daisy Bates in 1912, but the world moves on
In 1959 a teacher at my school was of the opinion that the natural nomad, were some of the Sami people These people are perhaps better known as Laplanders Some of them live in tepees, and follow the Reindeer, across the arctic area of north Norway, Sweden, and Finland
Tongue in cheek from here on (This means that it is a bit of a joke)
Perhaps in 2022 someone will write an article about the Australian natural Nomad, in one of the many travelling magazines. I can visualise the opening paragraph
"Thank god for the natural nomads, who are refusing to use caravan parks, and nursing homes. During the latest survey, it was found that if every nomad on the road demanded a place at a caravan park, or nursing home. There would be no places for others."
What I have read on daisy bates, she never complained or had a bad word on any one. doesn't seem to fit with what I read here at times. What a remarkable women she was