have discovered my battery has decided to die it is a 5 year old maintainance free flooded 105 ah 760 cca.
I have to decide between replaceing it with another that is the same (approx. $250) or with a agm (approx. $440) prices will change slightly with where I purchase.
my battery is stored in a front boot so fumes are not an issue. is there a big difference in the performance between the 2 different types to justify the price
they both carry a 12 month wty and I did get 5 years out of the one I have which is maintained by a xantrex charger
1. Shop around. 100Ah top quality AGM (like Fullriver) should cost about $300 - $320.
2. AGM should give you considerably longer life compared with flooded LA and will discharge lower without damage.
3. Whatever battery type you use, it is essential that the charge and float voltages are strictly in accordance with the makers recommendations. The charger manufacture does not know what battery you are using.
As peter above has said it pays to shop around for deep cycle batteries
In my area of Western Australia, I am looking at (what I think is a reputable brand), Bosch 120 AH AGM Battery for $312
I can get a no (known to me) brand name, (Vision), of the same type and size of battery for $278, at the same outlet
I shall be replacing a 100 AH Fullriver GEL Battery, of unknown age, and unknown use/abuse, which is on its last legs
In my area I do not see any Fullriver batteries on the shelf, otherwise I would probably be looking at them, as I am led to believe that they have been around for a few years
During my research, err searching the net, and this forum, I am led to believe, so I could be wrong, that the heavier AGM batteries are better constructed than the lighter ones, of the same capacity
Below is my comparison of the two batteries, I have already decided on the Bosch, but will wait until my next big trip, before buying for warranty length of time purposes
Usual disclaimer that I am not knocking one manufacturer, or praising another, just putting pen to paper of what I have found
But I will point out that on Ebay, some sellers of the heavier battery, say that some lightweight batteries are only about 100 AH, and not the 120 AH their sellers claim them to be I have yet to see the sellers of the lighter batteries, say that this is bunkum, and that their lighter batteries are better than the heavier ones
You keep it in boot. and it on a charger or panels. regularly?.
I've averaged my wet cells around 5 1\2 to 7 yrs each,
In caravans and Yachts.
Tried AGM's x 2 didn't last any longer. and at near twice the price.
I've just bought 2 new yesterday,one for boat, one for van. $220 each.
Century Wet cells. And looking at around 6 plus yrs each from them.
AGM 110cca/Ah whatever. Wet, 95 of the same.
$300+ versus $220. I know where I'm happier.
AS long as you keep them topped up. preferably with panels.
My Batt's never get below 12.4v by morning. and I Have solar
to have them floating again by around 11.30ish next day.
The secret is to never let them get lower than around that figure.
Much below 1\2 drained. Neither will last for long.
No, quite different, but with a few similarities.
Both are "lead acid".
Both are "sealed", but not in the same way.
AGM is absorbed glass mat and between the plates is not liquid.
"Sealed lead acid" usually implies wet construction. They can vent gas.
AGM is also referred to as VRLA or valve regulated lead acid. The gas that is generated while charging is not released out of the battery in normal operation, but is re absorbed into the material around the plates.
A "sealed lead acid" must stand up the correct way otherwise it will leak. A VRLA or AGM can operate safely on its side or even up side down.
AGMs were developed for the military and can be left for months without going flat.
Can I suggest you google "Lead Crystal Batteries" a relative new battery but have very similar qualities to lithium batteries.
They are more expensive and just as heavy as the AGMs but still far cheaper than lithium, best to research yourself, lots of advantages over AGMs. I have ordered them with our new van arriving in a couple of weeks
thanks everyone for your advice
I confirmed that my existing charger was capable of charging both AGM and lead acid which made the choice easier.
I was able to locate a fullriver 105ah at what I consider a reasonable price (not $300 unfortunatley).
as I don't have solar (yet) I have to rely on being able to top up when power is available which is not every day.
while it will cost a bit more to start with i think in the long run it will be more beneficial
once again thanks for you advice and assistance
Hello 2weis Happy to see that you have decided on your battery Sorry if I have gone a bit off topic
Wanda wrote:
Can I suggest you google "Lead Crystal Batteries" a relative new battery but have very similar qualities to lithium batteries. They are more expensive and just as heavy as the AGMs but still far cheaper than lithium, best to research yourself, lots of advantages over AGMs. I have ordered them with our new van arriving in a couple of weeks regards Ian
Hello Wanda
Would you mind keeping us all informed please
Searching the net, I have come across a topic of these batteries on this forum, before I joined
If you place "lead Crystal batteries" in the google search,(sorry its the only one I use and know) you will find several businesses who sell them(Alphaenergy is one) and lots of infomation on specs, size range, advantages etc etc.
It makes interesting reading and I have been told by my caravan builder there are several caravan manufacturers starting to use them because they are a lot cheaper than lithium with similar characteristics and will become the norm in the future. They are a bit dearer than the AGMs most of us are currently using, can't say exactly how much because I have not replaced any for a few years. Sadly they are about the same weight as AGMs though.
I was so impressed with the figures I have ordered 2 x120amp lead crystals instead of 3 x 120amp AGMs with our new van.
They sound good but I guess only time will tell, with a working life of "up to" 18yrs maybe I would have sold the van by then, if I'm still here!!!