Hi all my wife and I are doing the grain season in SA working for Viterra,this work can be hot and dusty but if you aren't afraid of work it is no problem
Viterra I believe are short of workers at some sites so if your keen look on thier website and give them a call
It is a bumper season here and will go through to the new year
Some individuals have in previous seasons earned in excess of $10000,a nice little injection for travelling/working grey nomad
Hope this is of some help
Cheers Les
Look out I'm back been a bit busy with harvest the last 6 weeks Sooooooo.
And it's welcome from us two 2 whatdazeit Crikey that's a mouthful think I'll stick to Les as for your work offer naah I'm on the other side delivering wheat just one day's work left to finish phew been a long one this year good yields but crapy prices I turned 60 the last week and F1 barley is $20 tonne Less now then when I were 18
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)