There are regulations that now apply to all trailers manufactured 2014 and after. If you look up these they will tell you what you can use. Basicly shackles and rated chain.
Lifting and towing shackles\chain are different beasts. (Ex Crane Dragline operator)
You Serious about it. Look for "Nobles" or other chain MFG's\Agents. They'll sell you the PROPER stuff. at sensible pricing.
and NEVER use Hi-Tensile chain links (Lifting) for welding to chassis. It loses it's rating the second you put heat to it. Rated, but never H\T. (Shackles OK. Just dearer)
And always get heavier rated chain\shackles. than weight of trailer.
SNATCH stresses at point\TIME of separation. is ALWAYS waaay more than static weight of load.
OH and NEVER use stainless shackles. (too brittle if 304)
Anchor\mooring shackles normally have larger dia pins than body with licking nuts\pins.
Bow shackles normally better for us as they. Unlike D shackles,
have less tendency to bind and overstress themselves.
specially bouncing down corrugations.
and I wouldn't go UNDER 2.5ton on any shackle\chain combo.
Progressivly upwards with van weights.
I used 5 ton rated chain with 4.6 ton Mooring Bow shackles
on my 3 + ton van. I had them in shed from sailing days. Still do.
with extra cross diagonals across under Patrol chassis rails going forward.
for extra diagonal chassis stresses with that van weight.
$35 for straps and 8 bolts\Chassis rail spacers.(2002)
Strengthening complete lower rear of car chassis,
just like we did yrs ago towing 20plus ft Trailer sailers
with the Fairlanes and Valiants.
That big block Valiant was the best tug ever put on the road.
as long as your mate came along behind with fuel tanker chuckle.
-- Edited by macka17 on Wednesday 22nd of February 2017 02:59:11 PM
"Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) confirmed to the NRMA yesterday that there is no such legislation in NSW and today the Caravan & Camping Industry Association NSW (CCIA) reiterated that no such regulations exist nationwide."
Ian - would you please provide a link to the regulation you mention that states MUST or MANDATED for rated shackles ... rated CHAINS (has been for years) ... but rated SHACKLES???
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
I am away on the road at the moment, but looking at the web I may be wrong, rated chain, but shackles that match or exceed the chain rating. Will be more definite when I get back to base.
"Research by the Caravan Industry of Australia Technical Team shows police and state departments have denied these rumours, and advised that there is no specific requirement for D-Shackles.
The current standard applying to shackles is AS 2741-2002, however this standard does not specifically cover the use of rated shackles in an application such as attaching a trailer to a tow bar. This standard covers the use of shackles for lifting purposes.
The Caravan Industry Association of Australia understands there is currently no regulations requiring shackles used on trailer safety chains to comply with the Australian Standard."