pump clicks into life for about 1 second just enough to make a noise to annoy.
Turn taps on and off works normal but still irritating noise when it shuts off under pressure.
adjusted pressure screw, took off pressure switch cleaned checked with OHM meter (elec side working ok), replaced with pressure switch off spare pump - no change.
looked for leaks in every pipe - no leaks found.
Frustrated I replaced the old pump with new pump I had, works 100%.
why does it do this
where could water pressure be bleeding off (if at all) to cause activation
has anyone had similar problem
is the rocker arm inside the pressure switch subject to wear
At $165-180 I'm hoping to resurrect my old pump rather than buy a new spare, however is the problem a pressure problem ie pressure switch or some other at the pump. THE PROBLEM IS ASSUMED TO BE THE OLD PUMP AS THE NEW ONE WOTKS FINE.
Any ideas?
Cheers Baz
Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.
These are diaphragm pumps with several chambers and after a while the rubber diaphragms become worn - 10 years is a pretty good innings.
The 1 second surge is the pump trying to maintain the pressure due to the tiny leak in the diaphragm or the valves. Even a new pump will do this every few hours or so, but I'm assuming yours does it more frequently now - like every few minutes.
Sometimes a switch is fitted in the 12Volt supply to these pumps to make sure it doesn't do its 1-second-thing in the middle of the night, and if you're prepared to live with a bit of switch-on switch-off then this might work for your older pump too.
-- Edited by AJC on Monday 27th of March 2017 09:03:10 PM
It is almost certainly a tiny water leak, but it may or not be in the pump and could be somewhere after it. If it is the diaphragm, just replace it.
I have one of these that has been faultless for 12 years, so they do last well.
The housing has one of the fittings broken off, as far as I am aware it was going. It was mounted on a truck for its water supply for cutting tools. Probably had very little use. PM me your address, and I will see what the postage is.