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Post Info TOPIC: Scan gauge II

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Scan gauge II

Hi all , I'm going to invest in a SG II , been checking on ebay , can anyone tell me 

where they got theirs and price ? on more recent purchases not 6 mths ago 



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AliExpress ,about 8 weeks ago it arrived. Came with a DVD of some 4500 different vehicle codes. OBD 11 connector and I had to wait three weeks for delivery.$49:95 Wanted it to switch off an engine check light.






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May I ask why you have chosen the Scangauge over a Bluetooth dongle and Torque?



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland

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Thanks for the info guys , Mike I didnt even know about the dongle

and torque app thxs for that, just goggled it looks great . The dongle you can buy for 

round $10  and the pro app for $15. Then theres no cord hanging round .

definitely pays to ask . R there any negatives with that set up  ? I assume

you are using a dongle Mike.






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mezza56 wrote:

Thanks for the info guys , Mike I didnt even know about the dongle

and torque app thxs for that, just goggled it looks great . The dongle you can buy for 

round $10  and the pro app for $15. Then theres no cord hanging round .

definitely pays to ask . R there any negatives with that set up  ? I assume

you are using a dongle Mike.




Would you happen to have a link please. I need OBD1 and can only find a UK supplier,,,,, want to talk to Aussie suppier.

Any help appreciated



Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.


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Baz421: Here's a link to a Bluetooth dongle for Torque (just type Bluetooth and Torque into the Ebay search):

And here's a link to Torque:

You'll have to do some Googling to discover whether OBDI is a subset of OBDII but I suspect there is a good chance.

Mezza56: No real negatives except the dongle draws a few milliamps from the battery even with ignition switched off. This won't be a problem unless you leave your vehicle unused for three weeks or so - in which case unplug the dongle, easy :)

The Torque software is under constant development and is trivial to upgrade which is an advantage to Scangauge et al.

I tend only to use the dongle/Torque if I wish to check for error codes or on occasions I simply wish to have a look at the things the instrument cluster doesn't show. I find it to be a very good system.



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland


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Just be aware that a lot of ELM327 do not scan automatic transmitions.


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Amp Outdoors in NSW sell them if you google "Scangauge 2" or "Amp Outdoors" you will find their website. The cost is about $195 plus post. Check with them that you can set up with TFT for your vehicle,  you will need to specify the vehicle when ordering so that you get the right codes for setting it up anyway.
The website also provides agents around Australia that also sell them, you might have one close to you.
Imo the best 200 bucks you can spend on your tug.

-- Edited by Moonraker on Sunday 30th of April 2017 05:50:50 PM


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Hi Mike 

Does your dongle scan the auto transmission > thats the main reason I wanted the scan gauge. 


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I have a scanguage 2, a Bluetooth dongle and a Techstream/OBDII decoder that uses a USB cable to my notebook.
Pros and Cons...
Scangauge is simple standalone piece of kit that you can hold on the dash or top of steering column with a bit of Velcro that is supplied, it provides info such as temperatures boost pressures fuel consumption as well as litres per 100 KMs (tells you how much its costing you to do that extra 5kph). It also allows you to read error codes and reset them if you go to limp mode. Simple no maintenance no setup time... Issues OBDI vs OBDII real scary please be very careful they are not the same and pinouts are different (get a guarantee from the seller)
Other devices need a PC or phone and software to boot.. my ELM327 Dongle won't work with windows 10 but it was ok with Windows 7.
A large 4WD mag offers cheap pricing on Scanguage 2 clones but again make sure they will work with you vehicle before purchase.


Brian & Nada retired and > "Ready to live the Dream" Live in the Shire!

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I have a Scangauge II, and if I had my druthers again, I think I would buy an Ultragauge. Ultragauge has a slightly larger screen but most importantly, it has an alarm function which the Scangauge lacks. You should look up Scangauge website (Google Scangauge) and then ask them if their gauge will monitor your transmission temperature. I know that the Pajeros can get the A/T temps monitors by inserting a code, but not all vehicles have that facility. Check with the manufacturer or the supplier.

From memory, my Scangauge cost about $220. Ebay is currently pushing them at around $235, so Moonraker's price is very good. Ultragauge is around $US100, but you have to get it posted out here and as far as I know, there is no local backup available. If you go for Ultragauge, go for the EM model. The important thing is to verify with the supplier or maker if the gauge does what you want it to do oe monitor tranny temperatures.



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mezza56 wrote:

Hi Mike 

Does your dongle scan the auto transmission > thats the main reason I wanted the scan gauge. 

Sorry: my vehicle has manual transmission.

However I did a Google on ELM327 and automatic transmission and couldn't find anything, perhaps the OP of that comment will provide some more information and confirmation?



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland


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I bought Scanguage 2 after trying Torque. Paid and free.

Scan much better.
BUT Neither read 2010 D-Max Auto.

I even contacted Scanguage Tech in US. and spent over 1\2 hr with her.

When I figure it. tell her. and she'll tell the rest. Basically.

But it gives Battery, Eng temp, Boost, and fuel av.
That's what I us it for. Plus others
Suits me for now.

it was bought primarily for fault codes when away from civilisation anyway.

If it does do 2010ish D'Max\Holden. I'd like a copy of codes please.

Pretty Pleez.



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Hi Guys

All the info for an Scangauge you can find here


Cheers John



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Mike Harding wrote:

Baz421: Here's a link to a Bluetooth dongle for Torque (just type Bluetooth and Torque into the Ebay search):

Thanks Mike but I'm after OBD1 not 2.  Cheers Baz

-- Edited by Baz421 on Sunday 30th of April 2017 08:58:02 PM


Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.

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Ample Outdoors , have or are about to close down .



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This is what you get with the cheaper ELM237 units, its basicly engine info & code reading & erasing codes. There is no automatic trans feature. This is connected to a BA Ford falcon. I have used it on a Ford ranger but did no take any pictures. It does what I wanted it to do.BA INST PANEL.JPGBA KOEO.JPGBA KOER.1.JPGBA KOER.2.JPGBA KOER.3.JPGOBD 11.1.JPGOBD11.2.JPGOBD11.3.JPG



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BAZ421, just curious as what vehicle you have that you need OBD1 for ?. OBD1 is on older vehicles & the plugs are not all the same & the read protocols are generaly vehicle brand specific. So you would need to check carefuly as to what reader you purchase.



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DeBe wrote:

BAZ421, just curious as what vehicle you have that you need OBD1 for ?. OBD1 is on older vehicles & the plugs are not all the same & the read protocols are generaly vehicle brand specific. So you would need to check carefuly as to what reader you purchase.

Hi  2005 Landcruiser 79 series workmate ute. from what I read OBD2 starts in 2008 on these (hope this is correct). 


Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.

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MY VDJ 76 works with OBDII and that is for 2007 onwards HDJ may be an exception try to post on under 70 series.
I used my Techstream dongle with my PC to check codes on the wife's 2003 Rav 4 as it wouldn't read with scangauge of ELM 327 dongle OBD port is the same and should be located to the right of the steering column.
Having to use a PC to setup is a pain however so is waiting for a service mob to clear codes. (look on the lcool forum on how to turn them off without a scantool.)
PS if you are anywhere near Sydney south side send me a PM and you can try the bits and bobs I have here to see if you can find a simple solution.


Brian & Nada retired and > "Ready to live the Dream" Live in the Shire!

76 series V8 Landcrab with Jayco Starcraft Outback Poptop

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