I don't want this to become political or religious but I just can't understand how anyone could inflict the carnage and suffering as witnessed in the UK over the last three weeks.
What an effort by the Metropolitan Police to remove the problem in eight minutes.
I was talking to a friend of my old dads yesterday (he was in the police with my dad) and he suggested that selected former police and selected former elite defence personnel be permitted to possess sophisticated or automatic weapons as a back up until specialised police arrive at at a suspected terrorist incident. It was his view that these former officers had been armed all their working life and would act responsibly and be calm under pressure. Obviously there would need to be restrictions and caveats but it would certainly make a terrorist wonder just whom might be armed. I don't know if it would work, but it certainly made me think about it.
That poor urban copper who took them on with only a baton and ended up in hospital would have made a big difference if he had been armed like our Australian cops. The days of UK coppers walking around unarmed are gone.