Hi, We are new to this website and have used the site to find a house sitter previously. Can someone please explain how we go about placing a house sitting advertisement.
Oops that sounded ambiguous. Having said we used the site previously to find a sitter, this was only to take down a phone number and make contact. We had not become members.
A warm welcome from me also Unfortunately I can not help with your question
I will assume that someone who has used the service will advise how to do it
As not many people come into this section of the forum I will take a stab in the dark, to try and help
While you are logged in, if you click on the name Webmaster When the window opens, you will see an area you can click on to see send a PM (private message) You can then send a private message, to ask how to do it If you receive a PM from someone, it will say you have received a message, (near where you log in), then click on the message to open it
Note that if you are not logged in, you will not see the message, that there is a PM waiting for you