Driving around today in the balmy 43deg Bahrainian weather I was very disappointed to come across these signs which have been put up in some of the prime camping areas on the island. I thought that the spaghetti work of pipes, bobbing derricks and pungent smell of oil would have been a magnet for free campers but apparently the government authorities have other ideas.
I agree DD that some of our more hardy travellers may feel at home with that type of scenery but I reckon the strong smell of oil would get to them after awhile - stings your eyes.
Have many of you smelled that solid Crude gunk.
It's lumpy.
Different areas of planet, have differing grades.
Ship fuel has to go through Mascerators and Centrifuges..
to thin it down enuff to go through Pump and injectors.
heated to hell first.
They Normally use the "Heavy fuel oil" offshore.
The looong black smoke trail you see behind them.
Then a mix of Low Sulphur fuel oil and Diesel fuel when in touch with land.
and air Congestion.
You should see some of the trails. especially the Heavy bulk carriers
left behind them. Tankers bad too.
when we passed them seriously out at sea.
As far as the eye could see.
There are 10 stages or more,from pump to the High tech fuel
we "supposed" to have in our systems.