hi everyone, we have two water tanks. Do all water tanks have baffles. Strop got told they do not have any. Can anyone confirm this and also, how do we know how much water is in them? Thanks. Rocket
Hi Rocket.Its rare to have baffles and the general rule of thumb is 90 litres. I find I keep them topped up whenever possible as one never knows what lies ahead.If I am going to stay in
caravan parks I only take minimal in 1 Only. Cheers.
Westy. Some people I know are like slinkies. They look really funny when you push them downstairs !
I was reading on one of the forums where someone had fitted an inline flow meter. This measured the amount of water used through the system. If you know the capacity of your water tank then you can work out how much water you have left in your tank.
No baffles, I just used my jerry cans to see how water each tank would take and found my book was wrong or like my DIY grey water tank a tape measure and a calculator.
Checking out the places I drove past a thousand times................
Before measuring your tank(s) empty them fully. You can only do that by removing the drain plugs and driving through quite a few bends so centrifugal force gets the water out the hole. With a van dead level it can require up to 10 litres in the tank to get the pump working. Whilst you are at it you can calibrate the water gauge(s.)
The way we calibrated ours was to use the house water meter. We added water slowly until something happened. The navigator was observing the meter and would call when something happened. I would kink the hose to stop the water flow. She would then go to the meter and note the reading. The results are as follows.