Hi. I did have 2 panels fitted to my recently purchased van. After my last trip I now have 1. I don't know what size the missing panel was but the existing one is a 90watt. Can I fit a 250 watt to run together with this.
The answer is yes IF your regulator will handle the power. Check that first or you might burn it out. Also put good size wires to handle the much greater current.
However I would not recommend a big panel like that for mobile use. It would be better IMHO to put two or three smaller ones on instead. Bigger is not better on a caravan roof in this case.
There are some other threads here which you might read for some background.
Yep can be done . ( At same voltage ) I parellel wired. So essentially doubling wire size . Easier to test panel efficiency at reg too, may have to used joiner link to fit all the wires into reg ? . Panel Size ? Depends on shape . I have used 3 supports down each side on 200 watt panels . To support any flex . Yes smaller generally makes it easier to walk around roof , any roof flex etc .