all this bother over grey water to me it's a non sense ,in the real world how many places have you been that police it,and why would they its harmless and the grass thrives on it ,We have never ever been asked about grey water anywhere!
Some people will get up an there soap boxes beating there chests about this incredible toxic shower water. and sink water that's destroying our environment there nut cases in my opinion ...
Why bother fitting a drain pipe that holds practically nothing to your rig to contain something that is absolutely harmless if you think about it and is rarely policed because it's a nonsense....
Dorian if you look at my formula it's diameter squared, Not Radius squared , I used theses formulas when in the fire service using diameter pi is .7854 , But on the fire ground always used .8 , And when you were pumping 1000 lts per minute that's close enough . We didn't have mister google in those day had to use our brain .
Like you Terry, I used the formulae in the Fire Service, people think we just squirt water.