Just before I trot off to the generator shop I'm wondering if anyone here has any ideas on what might be wrong with my BlackRidge 2kva Gen .
So its done no work at all . Engine runs fine .
But no power being delivered . The voltage meter on it shows nil . The overload button is in the in position . I've pulled the end cover off the unit and nothing appears to be burnt . There doesn't appear to be a fuse anywhere .
Thoughts ?
Cheers AL
-- Edited by Swoffer on Friday 27th of October 2017 12:47:07 PM
-- Edited by Swoffer on Friday 27th of October 2017 01:31:19 PM
A picture of the generator would be helpful. A search on google doesnot come up with that generator. Posibly a faulty AVR, so picture with the end cover off would be helpful. Also a posabillity the rotor has lost its residual magnetism, quite easy to fix.
-- Edited by DeBe on Friday 27th of October 2017 01:03:09 PM
Have marked the AVR, these are on Ebay quite cheep. But the first thing you need to do is remove the Positive & Neg push on terminals on the brush holder. Then using some leads flash 12V DC on the brush holder (observing the polarity) Then reconnect terminals & it will probably work. If not get back.
Still have a cheap gene actually more than 1 . Purchased at auction anyways once I got the thing to start NO 240v output ,bugger.
Took the unit around to local tool repairer [All power tools including gene etc ] Found regulator gone and replaced with a AEG reg . Gotta be lucky some times !!
Yea it had a rusty tank also but nuthn like an out board tank would not fix . 5500kva happily now .
Bought a Chinese\Honda, powered 3.5\3.8kva Large briefcase on rear wheels. $450\470ish?.
7 yrs or so ago.
Gone through several Cyclones running us and next door. Air Cond too.
Runs my van Incl Aircond and Microwave on eco.
Just remember to drain tank. It does NOT like stale juice over 3 months. NKG Plug annually,
and I run Castrol EDGE 10-60 in it, I have left over from Rally days.
Smooth as. 3rd pull every tine.
Plumbers up here put me onto it.
Use on sites as Trade machine. ALL day. Every day.
It's a genuine Honda export from Japan donk with engine No ground out.
Not a copy.
They NOT allowed to export to China. Yea.
Try and get a warranty unit as I assume spares are hard to get if at all .
And/or find a good experienced repairer who can diagnose the problem and give u a quote . U Don't care if its used parts as long as it goes correct ??
Swoffer, theres plenty of those AVRs on Ebay from $15 to $25 from China Ive used them & they work. They do take about 30 days to get here. These pictures are the most common fault with the REG, dry solder joints on the main switching transistor. I have repaired some by re soldering the transistor.
-- Edited by DeBe on Friday 27th of October 2017 10:47:41 PM
DeBe the underside of that regulator you have pictured is identical to the one on mine except for the color of the wires . Probably an generic unit that is used in a lot of different Chinese machines eh .
What do I search for on Ebay ? I had a quick search and there are just about a trillion bits of electronic gadgetry there
Yes they are a Generic AVR as they are used in a lot of diferent brand generators. Its probably worth carefully cutting open the corner & checking, it maybe the same fault. I just searched with (Generator AVR).
-- Edited by DeBe on Saturday 28th of October 2017 01:34:11 PM