I Have a charging question, I have a 100 Amp-hour battery and when I put it on charge with a amp/watt digital power analyser in-line, after battery is fully charged, that when it has goes into float charge, the analyser tells me 40 Amp-hours have been put into battery, does that tell me it has charged the battery 40% ?
I Have a charging question, I have a 100 Amp-hour battery and when I put it on charge with a amp/watt digital power analyser in-line, after battery is fully charged, that when it has goes into float charge, the analyser tells me 40 Amp-hours have been put into battery, does that tell me it has charged the battery 40% ?
I Have a charging question, I have a 100 Amp-hour battery and when I put it on charge with a amp/watt digital power analyser in-line, after battery is fully charged, that when it has goes into float charge, the analyser tells me 40 Amp-hours have been put into battery, does that tell me it has charged the battery 40% ?
Yours in Travel
Yes, It means you have put in /added 40Ahrs
40 /100 =40%
Not quite right because not all of the incoming charge is converted to stored energy a lead acid battery, some is wasted to heat and some to turning the battery into an electrolyser as the water is converted to hydrogen and oxygen, the bubbling you see in the cells if it is a flooded battery. This bubbling still occurs in an AGM battery, you just can't see it, there are recombiners in each cell that collect the oxygen and hydrogen and convert it back into pure water and this process also creates some heat so more electrical energy lost to heat.
The interesting bit is how many amps/watts are still flowing into the battery when you believe it is fully charged, this will indicate if the battery is really fully charged and just how much is used up even when the battery is actually full by the electrolyser action.
T1 Terry
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I Have a charging question, I have a 100 Amp-hour battery and when I put it on charge with a amp/watt digital power analyser in-line, after battery is fully charged, that when it has goes into float charge, the analyser tells me 40 Amp-hours have been put into battery, does that tell me it has charged the battery 40% ?
Yours in Travel
Yes, It means you have put in /added 40Ahrs
40 /100 =40%
Not quite right because not all of the incoming charge is converted to stored energy a lead acid battery, some is wasted to heat and some to turning the battery into an electrolyser as the water is converted to hydrogen and oxygen, the bubbling you see in the cells if it is a flooded battery. This bubbling still occurs in an AGM battery, you just can't see it, there are recombiners in each cell that collect the oxygen and hydrogen and convert it back into pure water and this process also creates some heat so more electrical energy lost to heat.
The interesting bit is how many amps/watts are still flowing into the battery when you believe it is fully charged, this will indicate if the battery is really fully charged and just how much is used up even when the battery is actually full by the electrolyser action.
T1 Terry
Hi Terry
Yes ,you are correct
Perhaps I should have said It indicates that 40Ahrs was required to fully charge the battery[before it went into float mode]
It did not indicate that the battery had been 40%discharged