Single core is far easier to work with, multiple runs fit inside conduit that twin core will not and the one length of cable can be cut and new ends fitted with minimal waste. How'd I go :lol:
T1 Terry
You can lead a head to knowledge but you can't make it think. One day I'll know it all, but till then, I'll keep learning.
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Many many machines/ vehicles have had trouble with engine gauges etc until they are modified to take an earth wired connection back to a very conductive point . Many machines these days have earth return senders .
For my solar installs and anything else that needs a ground on the roof. I run one solid ground up there and everything else that needs to go on the roof just earths to that same junction.
Then I can run short grounds from the other items to that junction.
Just recently I added 2 LED lights to the roof with the twin core that I ran to the roof, I used both wires as positives from the switch box to the lights.
This just saves me wasting running multiple ground wires up there and certainly makes the hole job easier.