Plenty of humidity in brisbane . if your worried go to a $2 shop and pick up a few of these
my van lives in a very humid shed when at home, as soon as i park the van up i put a couple in and chuck em out when we go away .We find them very effective.
I'd grab 3 or 4 of the de-humidifiers shown in the link. We use one in our Avan camper when it's closed up for months and find it usually is half full of water (but cannot overflow). Place them on the ground inside the van and have all cupboards doors open so you get some air circulation. Just don't forget to remove them before driving off in the van otherwise they can then tip over.
I'd grab 3 or 4 of the de-humidifiers shown in the link. We use one in our Avan camper when it's closed up for months and find it usually is half full of water (but cannot overflow). Place them on the ground inside the van and have all cupboards doors open so you get some air circulation. Just don't forget to remove them before driving off in the van otherwise they can then tip over.
You can find long rectangular ones of these in the cheap shops, pop the top off when it's full of water and empty it and refill with new stuff from a bulk container. We have them in cupboards etc 24/7 plus in internally removable roof vents so the moisture doesn't build up between the outside roof and the inside ceiling. We used them a lot when we lived in Lake Illawarra NSW in the house because of the humidity problems and they worked great there as well. Not much humidity in Mannum SA :lol:
T1 Terry
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