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Post Info TOPIC: How do you deal with nosy caravaners parked beside you in caravan parks?


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How do you deal with nosy caravaners parked beside you in caravan parks?


Is it just me or are there a lot of nosy people out there who feel the need to watch every move you make?

I am alone most of the time and I find it unsettling to say the least when I am out side cleaning up or stretching my legs

and I can hear the people inside the van follow you as you walk past their van and back again.

Can someone explain to me if there are other reasons for this weird behaviour? Is there a polite way of approaching it? 

Please share any experiences you may have had thanks




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Ronnie, Unless you are always weirdly attired, naked or have two heads, I can't imagine why you feel that everyone is watching you. It is normal for GN's to acknowledge others when passing either with a nod or G'day when in Caravan Parks. There are some Parks where the vandal problem is real so some newbies may be given a cursory up and down checking out but, in general we have found that others around us really don't care what we are doing and likewise us with them.
It does take a little getting used to, living cheek by jowl next to others in Caravan Parks. Occasionally there are the Norm and Dorrie Evans types that "must be told" everything about others, down to their Grandmother's maiden name, but these are everywhere in the big World not only Caravan Parks.
If you just carry on in your normal way, acknowledge others greetings I'm positive you'll get used to high density living.

-- Edited by Possum3 on Wednesday 22nd of August 2018 07:37:00 AM


Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan

Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.


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simple move. unless it is everywhere you stay that has all the weird people watching your every move



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Dress appropriately. Say GOODAY ! So your one of us so to speak . Some times I feel like helping someone . Yes watch at times . In two minds . To help or keep to ourselves . I guess this is what is going on ? Plus if you feel that way ? Our built in body language sort of exaggerates these things ??

Whats out there


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I shall find out this afternoon and tonight

I am in a free camp within a townsite, and we are packed in like sardiners

(Bitumen carpark, with lines on road)

I always go for a walk around



It cost nothing to be polite


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I am only speaking about free camps and not caravan parks

The photos show just how tightly we were packed in, at the free camp in Geraldton WA

How did we manage to survive, very easily

I said hello to the neighbors each side of me, as well as assisting another traveler with a small problem he had

I walked around and said hello to anyone who cared to listen
I was the only one with a Grey Nomad sticker, and one gent had a CMCA sticker

Something went wrong with the photo, but you get the gist

Geraldton front.png



It cost nothing to be polite


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Nosy neighbors, & crowded camps. not for me. I go camping for peace & what nature has to offer. 

I've got my favorite places, otherwise I google "camping" in the area I'm travelling through. It's amazing what comes up.

Cheers Pete


Chief one feather

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That looks a cow of a place Pete. Bet ya was glad to mooove along from there.

Sorry Pete biggrin


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DOUG  Chief One Feather  (Losing feathers with age)

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Dougwe wrote:

That looks a cow of a place Pete. Bet ya was glad to mooove along from there.

Sorry Pete biggrin

 Heading up to Maidenwell pub tomorrow night. They've got a pig on the spit. Camping, feed & entertainment for $17.

I can never understand why some camp in shopping center car parks, gravel pits etc.

There's plenty of good deals out there. Just got to hunt them out.



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Thanks for your replies .

I always say hello to anyone I pass or go by, I dont walk far because of my disability so Im on my mobility scooter.
Most reply back. Ive met some awesome people and as you say have been really helpful with advice and hints etc.
I love living this life and I will continue to do so until my time is up.

I appreciate all your input and thank you once again

-- Edited by ronjons on Sunday 26th of August 2018 06:50:47 AM


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The reason I like to free camp!


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ronjons wrote:


Is it just me or are there a lot of nosy people out there who feel the need to watch every move you make?

I am alone most of the time and I find it unsettling to say the least when I am out side cleaning up or stretching my legs

and I can hear the people inside the van follow you as you walk past their van and back again.

Can someone explain to me if there are other reasons for this weird behaviour? Is there a polite way of approaching it? 

Please share any experiences you may have had thanks


 Just perhaps, if you can hear them moving around in their van you are wandering around a little too close to their van.


Neil & Lynne


Western Australia

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LOL !! If I was wandering close to their vans why would I ask the question

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