Last weekend was a bit of an average day weather wise, so I decided to take on an in-van project trying to make it a bit more comfy for me to watch a movie or use the tablet whilst in bed.
I didn't want to add a tv as I don't want to dedicate the space or set up to one and frankly it just wouldn't get that much use to justify the space it took up.
Normally I would just hold the tablet up whilst watching but this gets old pretty quick.
I did buy an adjustable mic boom off ebay
as my first attempt but it was to big and cumbersome, without the result I was hoping for.
Giving up for a while I moved on to other things.
I then purchased one of these for use with my camera gear
Being impressed with it for 15 bucks I didn't give it a thought until I went back to tackle the project again when I reaslied it might just work.
With that in mind, I tried it out and came up with a plan to attach my flip 3 portable speaker above the bed.
The end result was what I would call a success.
It allows me to be in bed and to use the tablet without the need to hold it up and of course the speaker makes watching a movie that much more enjoyable.
Being removable in no time flat to set it up elsewhere doesn't hurt either
Here's a video of the process and how it worked out.
I'd be interested in what set up others have in their vans for keeping themselves entertained.
cheers Brett
-- Edited by denmonkey on Thursday 23rd of August 2018 10:23:58 PM