I am looking at storing our MH for 8 months over a Far North Queensland Summer. I am considering a fabric cover (Adco or simila) My concern is will I get condensation build up? Will any cover movement wear the Paint surface?
I am planning to run a domestic air conditioning unit inside that comes on say for an hour each day, draining into the sink.
I have no knowledge of how these covers preform and would appreciate any comments,advice etc.
What has been your experience?
My other options are: to build a shade cover over it or a hard roof structure. This is possibly a more expensive option but might be worth it?
We purchased ours on ebay from a mob in Caloundra Q, 5 years ago. Its time to replace it now but it only cost $200 and is a great unit. Light, waterproof. Can give you the ebay # if you wish. We bought the one for 26 and eventhough our mh is longer it fits fabulously!
If I was storing a Van in North Qld and it was not going to be moved I would buy a pile of those little moisture catching containers. Get them in the Reject Shop amongst other places.
I have an outside locker in the MH where I keep the hoses of various types, Grey water, Drinking water etc. All in separate bags. The locker was always Musty until I started putting a couple of them in the locker. I have them wedged so when they water builds up they don't get knocked over. I think the last twenty pack I bought in a discount store was $10.
I use a breathable cover . Mainly to keep UV rays off . Theres a reasonable gap between roof and cover due to vents , AC etc . Over 200mm in centre . Roof vents open a few mm for internal breathing .
Thanks for the comments. Much appreciated. The cover I was looking at was an ADCO. All the specs looked good until I came across a review web site where there was 100% criticism. So gave that up.. then I came across caravancovers.com.au/ an Australian company, and have ordered a cover from them. $4,100 instead of $500 odd. I guess you get what you pay for. If anyone is interested in my first impression when I get it Pm me and I will let you know.