Thanks Meg,
I wonder whether the sealant tape is "tropical" rated - will have to chase it up. It's better to have the best sealant(s) available, do it once & enjoy freedom from leaks.
Pat didn't appreciate a damp bed due to a pin-hole leak at the Grampians in June!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
I had to do a corner on my van when I got it. I watched many videos including this one but couldn't locate the exact product at the time. I ended up going with something similar I could get at bunnings
Its a cloth based tape and worked for the job I had at hand. In addition to sealing the corner join, I also had to use it where the lower skirt mount mated with the van.
I might add that when you take the trim off the sections of paneilling are a right mess. They look like they've been cut by a blind man and his backward cousin finished off with the staple gun. P!ss poor job Jayco.
The hardest part was removing all the silicone the previous owner had coated everything with. Sometimes I think silicone is used as opposed to doing a proper job.
I sealed the corner the same way and laid some mastic over the top also and then reseated the trim again.
There is also a paint that goes over the top of it to add another laid but I didn't get that.
No leaks but the skirt piece I did, has attracted every bit of dirt that comes its way. It's now a nice shade of grey/black. I suspect it will also take on mold very easily.
I will get around to redoing this section and give it that coat of paint to keep it looking nice.