I have a battery protector alarm going off, every time I have any drain on the 2 x110 AH deep cycle batteries which are 12 months old and are fully charged. Every time I run the water pump for about 20 seconds or the shower, toilet and range hood 12v fans the thing goes into alarm even when I put the switch down to 11 volts it still goes off Any suggestions that may assist would be appreciated.
Not a leccy but the first thing I would check is the quality of the connections to the alarm - a bad earth for example can often upset modern electronics. Have you also connected a seperate voltage meter across the batteries, whilst in the 'fault' mode to confirm the readings / battery voltage. If you have a cell on the way out it might show OK with no load but quickly drop once under load.
I have a battery protector alarm going off, every time I have any drain on the 2 x110 AH deep cycle batteries which are 12 months old and are fully charged. Every time I run the water pump for about 20 seconds or the shower, toilet and range hood 12v fans the thing goes into alarm even when I put the switch down to 11 volts it still goes off Any suggestions that may assist would be appreciated.
The battery may be ok but if you have poor contact or bad connection in the wiring between battery posts & where the sense cables of the LVD are connected it will sense that voltage loss.
If you have a multi meter ,check the voltage directly on the battery posts ,if the battery is faulty that reading will be low .
If it is ok ,you probably have a bad connection somewhere between that point & the LVD sense cable connections
First step would be to thoroughly clean the battery terminal connections
Much as Peter has already post. Use a multimeter and test each connection point on the positive with the black lead on the battery negative, then the same thing on the negative connections with the red lead on the battery positive terminal.
It must be under load while you are doing these tests, a battery in poor condition or a poor connection will show the correct voltage under no load, but the voltage will drop under load due to the battery internal resistance or the resistance through the bad connection.
Because DC current flow is full circuit you need to check both the positive and negative connections as and bad joint in the circuit will cause high resistance and voltage drop.
T1 Terry
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Thanks for the replies I'll check the batteries with a MM under load. But what voltage is considered low do you recon. The batteries ATM are showing 13.78v with no drain on them and should I leave the little switch on 12v or take it down to say 11 or something.
The volts canbe pulled down even for a short period when item is initially turned on .
Many low volt disconnects DONOT have a time delay b4 activation . Projecta have a time delay 30secs and some others have fancy digital units are programable /fully adjustable.