Don't know how many of these things and the solid two in/one out MC4 connectors I've sent to landfill over the yrs. You can't expect the output of 2 x 100w panels to somehow not be restricted when feed into a single length of the same size cable.
We have a job to do next week where 4 x 250w 12v panels have all been linked together in a daisy chain until they all reduced to a single cable run of 4mmsq cable. All except one panel show arcing marks across many of the modules within the panels showing where the current couldn't escape down the single cable and has arced across the weaker modules. The current reaching the controller was less than the full output from any single panel, and they thought there was a problem with their controller or batteries or the inverter itself. As far as they could tell, they had 1,000w of solar and 12 forklift battery cells yet it wouldn't supply enough power to keep the lights and fridge going over night.
Correct wiring size is essential, otherwise you are just wasting your money buying extra panels. If the cabling is only heavy enough to carry the current from one panel, adding more panels to the same cable is not going to improve the charging current reaching the battery.
T1 Terry
You can lead a head to knowledge but you can't make it think. One day I'll know it all, but till then, I'll keep learning.
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Thanks very much for all yours replais i need to do like tony say cut one and make sure is well seal .No tony i live in i was born in uruguay but now living in this great country sorry i didn't answer earlier because since i came back from nt and qld i been in and out from hospital thank very much sorry for my english but working 2o3 no time for learn proper but now ican wherever i want sorry if when to long