We have the up-right Waeco compressor fridge, during the high temperatures recently it never turned off. Looking at the fridge, it has a lower ventilation grill, and a vent on the roof. It also has a ventilation slot inside. So what would the inside vent be for, apart from letting insects inside, I feel the only reason it is there, is because the person doing the drawings put it there for fun.
I guess if we were in a snow climate, the outside top vent could be blocked by snow, then the internal vent would be of some use, but I see no real reason to have a vent, venting internally in these hot climates. Has anyone got any ideas? not worried if there is no replies, but you never know, someone may have the answer.
The installation instructions show both top vents, but does not show any way of redirecting the air flow internally or to exit via the top. But yes that is one of the thoughts I had. I did seal the internal vent off with foam insulation, may do that again.
The full reason I have asked the question is, that above the fridge are major wiring looms, the only way I could reach them was to cut out the coarse mesh, (about 6mm square) covering the top vent outlet. After doing electrical work, I have fitted fly screen mesh to the top vent outlet. I am wondering now if I should remove it, as it maybe restricting airflow. What is likely to come in down from the roof, leaves, bats ???. By blocking off the internal vent that will prevent flies and mozzies coming in.
I think in hot weather, part of the answer is to keep the air moving, removing restrictions maybe the beginning of the process.