No, this is not a mad rant. It's not a cry for help, and I'm not being melodramatic. I'm not into the Facebook, or Twitter thing. Just need to tell about it
In hospital 10 of May, 2017. Out 24 of May. Cost a truck load of money. Apart from the other stuff, the paperwork told me to MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! within a few days I was walking slowly.
Shortly after I was riding my pushbike. (Sold the motorbike.) A couple of weeks went by, and I phoned the surgeons office, telling them that apart from a slight pain in my lower back/hip, I was getting better. When in hospital I was advised that there might be a slight pain for a short time.
(About this time (?) I get the self draining penis. I go to another doctor. I get the finger. He puts me on Minipress. One a day. By the time I get to Qld; I'm on two in the AM, and two at night ??)
Time to go east, as there was a lot of volunteer work to be done. Got to Qld. No volunteer work available. So walking and cycling was the go, for about three months. I was still concerned about the nagging pain in my lower back/hip. Visited a doctor there. More PK's. Spent some time walking around a storm sight picking up bits of wood. In fact a lot of us did. Eventually I drove south to NSW. There was light work helping with the fencing, after the bush fires. Another doctor, and more PK's. In Victoria, and bush fire cleaning up was on. By this time, the pain in my back/hip was preventing me from going out in the field, so I worked in the kitchen.
I decided that I wasn't of any use there, due to the constant pain. Headed back to WA. Another doctor. I explained the problem. He arranged for me to have a CT scan. Then he sent the results to the surgeon who worked on me. I never heard what the surgeon had to say. I told the doctor that the pain was very bad. His comment was, "What do you want me to do about it?" !!??
Yet another doctor, same town. Useless! But, then the "finger man" gives my rear end another workout. He mutters that all seems to be OK, and I will hear from his office in Perth, soon?
It's 2018/19, and I am at the ER again. Last time was 2011. I have another CT scan. " They" think that I need yet another CT scan. Come back in a couple of weeks. Next i'm advised to drive to Fremantle for an MRI. Then another CT scan in Perth.
That's two MRI's, and two CT scans !!?? The doctor in Perth tells me that the self draining penis could be due to the nerves in my NECK !!??
The latest doctor showed me a piece of plastic skeleton. Said that there might be a problem. At this point, isn't it where the medical profession "close ranks"
If you folks have trouble following this waffle, so do I. Non smoker. Non drinker. Never touched drugs. Yet I'm quite positive that the amount of "PK"s I'm taking are causing me to "lose it". Some of these pills are, Palmityethanolamide. Bio Magnusium. Ibuprofen 400. Dexmethsone. Osteo Relief. Ibuprofen 200. Maxigestic. Paracetamol. That's for the constant pain.
For the incontinance (?) I have APO Prazosin. Duodart, Oxytrol pads. There's Diaformin for the type two Diabetes. (Diet controlled)
OK! I'm getting on in years, but all I want to know what the hell is wrong, and can they fix it!!??
Regarding your type two diabetes, are you over weight?
You say you have seen numerous "doctors" have you seen specialists, i.e urologist or neurologist, endocrinologist, if not ask one of your doctors for a referral.
In my experience doctors don't "close ranks" the fact is, as in all professions, some are better at their job than others.
Having consulted over this matter with my other half, who you have met (told dirty jokes to) at Sue & Phils, she read your story and said you need to have a GP that you stay with and who can inform you about what is going on. I can suggest two clinics in Fremantle who would give you good service if you want.
Regards Ian.
Pipes I know your not after sympathy but as someone who also suffers with pain I understand your predicament, just looking at your pain medication you are on a cortisone tablet ( dexmethsone for arthritis among other things) a fatty acid (Palmitoylethanolamide that helps with chronic pain) and a combination mild pain relief ( Maxigesic a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen) as well as separate paracetamol (Osteo) and ibuprofen 200mg & 400mg.
They are only mild pain relief but to much paracetamol can cause liver damage so no worries as long as taking as per script, you should talk to your Dr about the scripts you have because I don't see why you are taking Maxigesic as well as ibuprofen and paracetamol.
With you jumping allover Australia they might think you are Dr shopping, I would stay put a while and get this sorted, you need a Dr that is going to listen to you and to sort thru your drugs to get make sure you are getting what you need.
There should be a care plan done ( for you by the Dr, if this hasn't been done yet, find another Dr as it is a Medicare program to look after people with problems such as yours and is a double appointment. Needless to say you should have a MyHealth record so the Drs you see in your travels know exactly what is happening with you.