I have very bad bursitis in the right hip & have had 2 cortisone injections which have done nothing, however been to a chiropractor who has improved it by about 50%, however the other 50% is a bit stubborn can anyone recommend anything besides painkillers that has helped.
Have you thought of trying a tens machine skins. I was just advised of these by a friend, ordered it in eBay. Hasnt arrived yet so can't tell you what it's like.
It massages with little mat thingies.
Runs on batteries so no worry with power about $30. Worth a try.
Have you tried sleeping on a foam underlay (one with the dimples). I have one on my bed at home and I take a single one with me as much as possible when I travel. It gives the hips some respite overnight
thanks Wannabe, yep got one, tried hard bed, soft beds & middle of the range with a good mattress topper. The topper does help a bit, but still wake up every time I move. Gonna try physio to see if that helps as the Tens machine didn't do anything.
Im having this issue right now . My Dr said its the muscle being too strong for the tendon and need to take it easy !! Sheesh Ive had cortisone injection too ! Not sure if it worked ? Found soft top (memory foam ) on mattress made it worse ! Oh the pain of going to bed ! I came here to see if anyone had any cures ?
Ive just had the cortisone injections but in the week leading up to them I changed my sleeping position to lying on my back. I found a significant reduction in pain by doing this but went ahead with the cortisone anyway.
Ist night after injections last night and sleeping on my back and had best nights sleep for years. Problem is I dont know what fixed it.
Im inclined to believe sleeping on my back as its a bit soon for the injections to work.
If its not a joint issue ? Ive been told to take EASY for the next few weeks till the inflation goes down . Ive Ibuprofen 6 X200 mg with food it has helped big time . Just hope these things are more a cure ! Dont want to be taking medication or steroid injections all the time .