I have just fitted LED lights to the reading lights in my Starcraft. When I turned the battery switch to the ON position I get no reading lights coming on. When I turned the Battery switch to the OFF position the reading work fine.
I first thought it may have been a FLAT Battery, but if that was so, where are the lights getting their power from when battery switch is turned OFF.
There was 240 Volt connected during this test period.
I then plugged the 240 Volt into the van and the lights worked fine with the Battery Switch in either the ON or OFF position. Just to confuse the issue, my 3 way dometic fridge is NOT getting cold. I have been connected to the 240 for 36 hours so far.
I measured the battery and it is reading 14.1 Volts. I have been unable to get a reading of any current in-put or Current drain. to see if the charger OR solar is working.
Oh dear Keiron, another charming Jayco-SETEC system that doesn't make a lot of sense! And with basic or no cct diagrams, it aint easy!
The easy bit - the fridge (I hope). What size is it? Does it work on any other source eg gas? I guess you've tried moving the thermostat setting. Do you know an electrician who can check that 240v is getting to the terminals at the rear of the fridge.
Also do a "Search" on "3way fridge not working on 240v" - there are numerous solutions given.
Do the other lights in the van work ok? Did the pervious reading lights work correctly before you removed them?
If I recall correctly, the Battery Switch is not a master on-off switch, especially when the power pack is powered by mains (240v) - I went ga-ga one night trying to nut it out.
Can you fill in the answers to these questions & I'll try to recall the problem unless someone comes in.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Warren, I do not have all the answers to your several questions, but what I have learned as a result of your interrogations', is that the Fridge MUST be level for it to operate.
Stupid am I? You Bet, and thanks for your assistance. KB
Don't worry Keiron, you won't be the last to learn that (and admit it on a forum).
There is a saying - KISS! How many of us have learned the answer the hard way? Unfortunately your other issue is not so easy. I don't know if I kept my doodle paper when I researched it last time.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!