Thought I should ask in case it circumvents a problem happening.
The water pump in the van works fine, but has for a few days, when taps are turned on been chattering loudly and causing solid reverberations through the pipes. Sounds like a jackhammer in the shower cubicle. Can also feel it on taps around the van. The filter on the pump inlet is clean/unblocked.
Thanks for the advice. Still don't know what caused the chattering but I took to the water pump with the hammer.
A few gentle :) taps seems to have stopped the chattering.??? for now at least.
Pumps chatter liake a basterd if you partially open them,,, try it. Pump has pressure on/off/on/off etc tec in short time. Showers are the worst especially if trying to save water by slow flow rate.
adjust pressure screw if Surflo pump,,, this works,, saves on hammer lol
Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.