just had an agm battery fail and had to open a window at midnight to get fresh air, the batteries are located under the bed in the Motorhome, turned Ctek charger off and called a sparky in the morning no suitable batteries in Roxby Downs so he is coming back tomorrow to isolate the failed battery and I will rely on the remaining 140 amp battery to I get home. Wasn't aware that a sealed ago can still give off fumes
No such thing as a "sealed" battery. AGMs are a category of "Valve regulated" batteries. They have a valve that opens if the pressure gets too high inside. That is to ensure that the pressure is released before the battery case explodes if something goes wrong.
All batteries should be in a compartment that is vented to the outside.
No such thing as a "sealed" battery. AGMs are a category of "Valve regulated" batteries. They have a valve that opens if the pressure gets too high inside. That is to ensure that the pressure is released before the battery case explodes if something goes wrong. All batteries should be in a compartment that is vented to the outside. Cheers, Peter
Yes that is true ! Any lead acid battery will gas if over charged or something goes wrong. An external vented compartment should be the norm not open under the bed.
just had the batteries replaced, turned out they were not AGM but sealed marine batteries SSB brand , vented through the floor have had fitted 2x 120ah AGM batteries