Trying out the emergency stop function of the "Tow Pro", I only felt a gentle braking of the van, reading the instructions, on auto mode that is correct and the braking force is relative to the setting. Does that mean to get strong braking of the van only by pushing the button, does one have to rotate the knob full anti-clockwise first ?
It's not really an emergency setting but rather a manual application of trailer only brakes. It's unlikely to ever stop you in your tracks but it does add extra control. In proportional mode, it's considered a light application of vehicle braking. In user controlled mode it's equivalent to the numeric dial setting. If you change the dial while simultaneously pressing, the effect is altered accordingly.
I vary my settings with conditions, although it's mostly set and forget. Steep, curvy and slow downhill runs have actually locked up my TD brakes so I back off a little. On some loose tracks, using trailer brakes only gives a ln extra bite in traction. Never used the trailer only option on the highway except to test response.