During my research, (err surfing the net), trying to determine if our grandchildren, were/were not, being manipulated in regards to climate change/global warming
I came across this site below, which is a YouTube video eighteen minutes, fifty four seconds long, made in April 2016
In summery (if I have interpreted it correctly) The Kingdom/Country of Bhutan, which is situated in the Himalayas, on the border between China and India, has decided to be carbon neutral for all time
Basically a country whose government isn't obsessed with how to get rich, but how to get environmentally friendly Instead of going for the Gross National Product, they went for the Gross National Happiness
They are a small, poor country, and their glaciers are melting through no fault of their own The people receive free education, medical, and electricity, plus subsidies for electric cars
In my opinion (so I could be wrong), it would be a good viewing for anyone interested