We are picking up stumps and moving from Horsham, VIC to Bowen, QLD in January with the above creatures. It's probably going to be hot. I'm thinking of the fish in as big an Esky as we can spare, filled to the top, in a drip tray, with a battery operated bubbler. Ella the Corella has a nice new traveling cage but we are not sure how to keep her in the dark without covering her with material which would probably make it hotter for her inside.
Don't forget to ad baffles to the "tank" of water, otherwise fish will be agitated to death. Carry the bird in normal cage in back of wagon, if it can see the World going by it will be happy enough - if you must cover poor Ella spray cover with mist spray occasionally to cool it down. As modern vehicles are air conditioned your friends will tolerate the same temperatures that you are comfortable with.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
Don't forget to ad baffles to the "tank" of water, otherwise fish will be agitated to death. Carry the bird in normal cage in back of wagon, if it can see the World going by it will be happy enough - if you must cover poor Ella spray cover with mist spray occasionally to cool it down. As modern vehicles are air conditioned your friends will tolerate the same temperatures that you are comfortable with.
Point taken, but with the Esky "full" there should be no slosh. Thanks for the suggestions about Ella. Pray the aircon doesn't pack up!
I have seen fish being transported in plastic bags individually, on trips but they have to change the water all the time, it would be best to contact someone whom delivers fish to pet shops, like we have a pet shop way out here in the bush, with 30 large tanks, most of them tropical, how do they transport them out here. That would be your best bet, and yes have heard of fish dying from movement in motor vehicles, so better to speak to the professionals about it.
Had a mate in Broome who used to send tropical sish to Japan.
Plastic bags as you say filled with oxygen before sealing.
Pet shop is a great suggestion, thanks.
If the Esky is full I relly don't see the need for gimbals and shocks. I doubt very much if pet shop suppliers move their fish that way. Ingenious but overthinking it maybe?
If the container is full it will move at the same rate as the car, forward, backwards, up & down etc. If it is isolated the rate of de/acceleration will be reduced.
It's the micro movements which add up. Get a passenger to hold a glass of water gently in front of themself while driving. You will get a pretty good idea of how well their arm works as a shock absorber & the extent of bumps which go through the car.
Your fish will arrive at the destination far more relaxed!
Procrastination, mankind's greatest labour saving device!
50L custom fuel rack 6x20W 100/20mppt 4x26Ah gel 28L super insulated fridge TPMS 3 ARB compressors heatsink fan cooled 4L tank aftercooler Air/water OCD cleaning 4 stage car acoustic insulation.
Had a chat with our local pet shop. They recommend a lidded bucket with hole for bubbler. Does not need a lot of water. It's all about oxygen and we have some of those oxygen tabs to include.
Fish seem to be looking forward to their adventure!
Delighted to report that our fishy friends survived the trip. Battery powered bubbler did its job and although there was some leakage from the bubbler hole in the lid of the bucket it was contained in a tray and the slosh could not have been too severe. We used a 20 litre lidded bucket from Bunnings. Ella Corella had a great trip and was quite unfazed.
All in all a great result and thanks to you lot for your advice.