Welcome to GN's Garrlyn, This subject has been discussed many times suggest you use the search function to find some previous threads.
My personal opinion is that covers are a waste of time and money - hard to use, they rot if exposed to elements - cheaper in long run to build a simple carport.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
Welcome to GN's Garrlyn, This subject has been discussed many times suggest you use the search function to find some previous threads.
My personal opinion is that covers are a waste of time and money - hard to use, they rot if exposed to elements - cheaper in long run to build a simple carport.
Cant agree with you more.
Get a BIG GREY TARP or two from a hardware store. It will work just as well.
The caravan covers i have had were a waste of money and yes they do degrade. But still using the Same Grey Tarp years later, When I use it that is.
YES , YES , Yes lol and a pain in the butt for us older folk. Okay if you have space for a Carport otherwise a Cover is good if you can manage one. Covers have their advantages and as well as Dissadvantages .
Keep the Queensalnd harsh Sun off your nice shiny Van but your solar if fitted does not get a chance to do its and the van internally gets a tad hotter than normal which can lift or cause some minor damage to componants internally.
van sits for some time and unless you have external power supplying then you batterries can suffer .
We were lucky because we had our Daughter who would nimbly geton the vans roof with SIL and spread the cover lol..
On my motorhome . I use ropes to throw over and pull up , tie down . Had to change a few things so it went over aerials AC etc !! Old codgers should work on heights !
There is a clip on youtube that shows you how easy it is. We have always done it this way, ppl in the USA showed me in 1985! The clip is by an Aussie in WA, and he has 2 articles. It takes ME on my own 5 min to roll it and 3-5 min to put on. I swear by it.