This is not an advert., but I had a serious mould issue on my poptop curtain and front and rear of the van. Nothing over the last 6 years would remove it, and as I am selling it, I expected to take a hit in it's sale price over it. Then my wife bought a Selley's product Rapid Mould Killer. I spray it on, and leave it to sit for 60 seconds, then use one damp cloth to lightly give it a scrub, then wash it off with a clean damp cloth. I use a bucket of water to rinse and repeat. Don't let the spray run down the wall's as the longer you leave it, the more bleach happens on the paint work. I was so happy with the product, that I bought four more 750ml bottles. It is really hard to get at the green shed, and is only about $7. Now if it is bad mould, that one and only wash is needed, as the mould disappears after a couple of days. You wont regret using it.