After driving on some very corrugated dirt roads near the Riversleigh Fossil Site, one of the struts on our largest window of our Golf Savannah Maxxi 390 came loose and the strut began swinging from the window. We found a nut on the seat below the strut. It appears that the U shaped strut is connected to the window frame via a bolt set in the frame with a captured nut in the U shaped strut. Somehow the shaking must have unscrewed the bolt and then the nut must have fallen out of the U shaped strut. We found that we could unscrew part of the window frame having the set-in bolt and re-screw the bolt into the nut after inserting the nut into the U shaped strut. The first two photos show the right hand side undamaged strut with the captured nut in the U shaped strut.
The second set of photos shows the left hand damaged strut where the nut is missing from the U shaped strut.
Thankfully after screwing the bolt back into the captured nut and then re-attaching the window frame part, the window strut is now working.
Luckily you found the nut, saves work. A bit of loctite might stop it coming undone or drill a hole in the thread on the far side of the nut put in a split pin & tension it open a bit.
We carry a few taps to thread holes if needed.
A bit of 3 x 20mm stainless steel bar tapped & cut to length with angle grinder.
Procrastination, mankind's greatest labour saving device!
50L custom fuel rack 6x20W 100/20mppt 4x26Ah gel 28L super insulated fridge TPMS 3 ARB compressors heatsink fan cooled 4L tank aftercooler Air/water OCD cleaning 4 stage car acoustic insulation.