Whilst trawling through a couple of UK papers yesterday I came across a video of the "new" Channel 7 newsreader Rebecca Maddern and her cohort Mike Amor being very naughty. The clip was shot just before they went to air and showed Maddern calling Djokovic an arsehole and Amor saying that he was a f-----g idiot.
Some one at Channel 7 should remind these two of one of the golden rules of radio and television. The microphone is always "live" and, in the studio, the camera is always on. Another thing to remember is that as a celebrity, if you are doing something that you shouldn't it is almost certain to be leaked. There has been no coverage of this here in Oz that I can find. Now why would that be I wonder??
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.
It was on Channel 9 news last night. Although they were caught out, it was quiet funny, they said what a lot of people are thinking. Rebecca Madern actually called him 'a lying f#####g a###hole'. Pretty blunt but true.
I hasten to add that my post was "putting it out there". My personal thoughts on Djokovic are with them entirely. As to it being a publicity stunt I think that the damage done would far outweigh any positive outcomes for the channel. There may have been some advantage were it not for the language used. Just goes to show these people are no different from the rest of us!
-- Edited by Magnarc on Friday 14th of January 2022 11:05:08 AM
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.
People are always complaining about fake, wrong and bias reporting. At least the 2 reporters reported the truth on Novax Jerkoffabit even though it was off air, or should have been.
Sounds to me Aussie1 you would like all news tailored to suit you. If your not interested in it or if its not what you want to hear get your remote and flick channel. Sure there would be some add around you might like to see. Or move to China , you'll only see what your told to watch there.
Sounds to me Aussie1 you would like all news tailored to suit you. If your not interested in it or if its not what you want to hear get your remote and flick channel. Sure there would be some add around you might like to see. Or move to China , you'll only see what your told to watch there.
A huge Happy New Year to you Cobber. Try not to treat my comment to seriously. It was simply my observation . One interesting point you do make "news tailored to suit me". You are aware of course the commercial channels do "tailor" the news to suit THEM. Take a really close look at some of their content. The only time I make serious comments is when I defend my right to use my generator
You stay safe Cobber.
-- Edited by Aussie1 on Thursday 13th of January 2022 05:39:55 PM
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia.
People are always complaining about fake, wrong and bias reporting. At least the 2 reporters reported the truth on Novax Jerkoffabit even though it was off air, or should have been.
I still believe in the trickle down effect re BS, if our pollies cut it back maybe someone could steer them back to real reporting, instead of the PCBS we all seem to accept these days.
Isn't everything we look at, search for, say about, letting someone, something send back to us as a focused and tailored message or information. I'll be searching something and at the same time the wife is getting messages and popups from my searches. Same back at me. They say Google's not listening. Pull the other leg. Google knows all about it, what ever you need, before you know it yourself. But would rather hear 2 TV presenters stuff things up and I'll have a laugh at them than some of the pure manuer that's coming out from these internet reporters, that's what they consider themselves. They're like a cows behind, open their mouths and manuer flows out.