I had an App on my phone where I could actually see the vast satellite superimposed on my phone screen relative to any trees or buildings that may be around. We haven't traveled for the last couple of years due to Covid and now that I want to use it again I cant find the feature on Wiki camps or Skyveiw, So does any body know if it is something that has been discontinued or am I just looking in the wrong place. Landy
In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people
and simply let them be wrong.
The satellite finder function, on the main menu in WikiCamps, still gives you the camera option to superimpose the position of the satellite on the live camera of your surroundings.
You need to put in your coordinates, either manually, or using the position pin on the map, and once you have done that the camera will do the rest, as you are given the position relative to yourself.
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done
Thank you both for the quick responses that's got Wikicamps working Ian and I will have a bit of a look at Satellitepointer later thank you Frank. Landy
In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people
and simply let them be wrong.