Hi, AG here, we are new to caravaning, we have a small issue when connected to mains water with water steadily dripping back out of the nozzles of tanks 1&2. See attached photo. I thought the tanks 1&2 were totally independent of the mains water supply. I was wondering whether or not the breathers could be blocked? I removed the rubber caps on the tank nozzles but water still drips.
My discovery did that. The non return valve is on the back side of the filler and in my case accessible from under the seat inside. The cause of mine was a grain of sand holding the valve open. Cleaned and fixed. I probably picked it up in bore water that I filled up with in my travels.
Jay bird
The non return valve behind the filler is there to stop water coming out of mains connector when running the pump
The OPs is coming out of tank fillers when on mains
Regards Gerry
Further research on YouTube, it seems that the 'check valve' in the water pump is allowing the water to bypass and send the 'mains' water to the fresh water tanks.
I turned off the 'mains' water and used the water pump for a few minutes, then I checked the water tank filler nozzles and they had gotten worse, there was quite a lot of water coming out, similar to AG's photos, so I have 2 tanks full of water and will use the pump for the the next week to see if the check valve reseats itself and closes properly, if it doesn't I'll pull the pump apart and see if there is any dirt or sand stopping it from closing properly.
I'm in a caravan park so I'll post an update in a couple weeks.
Well, I got sick of the pump noise after one night so I went to Jayco Spare parts and bought an in line 'Non Return Valve' cost $35.00, plus 2 plastic tube end fittings and 2 circlips, all up under $40.00.
Easy fit, took all of 10 minutes, turn pump off, turn mains water off, remove 240v extension lead from caravan, release pressure in HWS, leave a tap on to confirm no water pressure, cut the 'hard plastic' outlet pipe (a small amount comes out), I cut it with scissors, insert the plastic tube ends, check Arrow on non return valve is pointing away from the pump (water flow direction) push the pipe ends into the non return valve (all the way past the o-rings), push them forward and backwards a bit then pull them back slightly an insert the circlips, problem solved, easy peasy.
Similar to Steel Dog, I had to fit a Non Return Valve adjacent to the water pump in my Jayco van. The mechanism of the pump is not up to stopping back flow, as the pump wears and ages. From Steel Dog's photos, it looks like SD had a bit more space and a slightly different pipe layout. I used a couple of 90deg elbows as well.