G'day all, is there a replacement option for the heron 2.2 I believe that they are not available anymore.
I do not want a rooftop or a underbed ducted type, would much prefer to just replace in the original spot it is in.
I have googled to see options, but it seems only roof or underbed are what is offered.
Hope there is the ability for me to use existing space.
There's a secondhand, complete system currently on Gumtree for $600.00 (in Perth) and I've read reports of just the compressor being replaced. Apparently there are some 'generic' compressors that can be plumbed in.
I replaced my Heron 2.2 with a more powerful and more efficient (uses less electricity) rooftop unit. I left the Heron evaporator unit (face panel, controls, etc) in the overhead cupboard. It can still be used as a heater and as a 3 speed fan. I removed the (heavy) compressor / condenser unit from under the seat.
What is wrong with your unit ?
A refrigeration mechanic would be able to repair it , all parts are available from a Refrigeration supplier Kirby. Heatcraft etc