Two Dutchmen board a flight to London. One takes the window seat, the other sits next to him in the middle seat. Shortly before takeoff, a German sits down in the aisle seat.
After takeoff, the German takes off his shoes, wiggles his toes and gets comfortable when the Dutchman in the window seat says, "Excuse me, I have to get up and get a Coke."
"Don't get up," says the German, "I'm sitting on the aisle. I'll get you your Coke."
No sooner does he get up than one of the Dutchmen takes one of his shoes and spits in it. When he returns with the Coke, the other Dutchman says, "That looks good, I'd like one too." Again, the German agrees to get it. When he is gone, the other Dutchman takes the other shoe and spits in it as well. When the German returns, they all sit back and enjoy the flight.
As the plane comes in for a landing, the German puts on his shoes and immediately realizes what has happened.
"Why only?" he asks, "How long will this go on? This fight between our nations. This hatred. These animosities. This spitting-in-the-shoes and plssing-in-the-cola."