I was reading through the post on the quality of music and noted that quite a few said they or their other half were hard at hearing or not up to par with high frequency and was wondering if you have a smoke alarm for this problem. I don't have anything for our motorhome but I do have a special alarm in our home. The alarm is on the ceiling in the passage way with a device sitting on the bedside table with a cable to a round disc that goes under my pillow. This part of the system runs on mains power. The idea is that if there is smoke, a strobe light flashes from the bedside unit and the disc under my pillow vibrates which should wake me up. I don't always hear normal smoke alarms.
I got my system, in 2020, through the Deaf Services Subsidy Scheme for $20.00. I am in Qld.
Just thought that if you don't have one you may like to look into getting one. To buy without the Subsidy Scheme they are over $500.