Once again BA I am no tec person, just mr average, I saw a little power wire power near our break battery, so I spiced into that and now it trickle charges.
I still check to see if it works before travelling but one day I wil. Make a better job of it and get rid of the battery.
Brodie, I believe it is a hangover from when vans did not have "House Battery" and break-away was developed accordingly - note many European brands don't have independent battery.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
My Jayco's breakaway system runs of the van's batteries. It depends which model system has been fitted.
Yes, I cannot understand why the breakaway brake systems are not connected to all van batteries.
Larger trailers need the breakaway brakes systems and they do not have to be caravans, so I can understand why some systems have their own separate battery.
How patently stupid is the matter of putting breakaway batteries into
OUTBACK or other camping orientated vans/rv's who's charging system
is 240 volts !!!!
I didn't buy a self sufficient van to spend my time in shoeboxes hooked
up to their power. consequently the battery is flat always.
Why the hell isn't it connected to the house battery?
Come-on Jayco - you've been in it long enough to make the huge technological change!!
My 2017 Jayco Journey poptop breakaway is hooked to the van,s main battery from new.....so is charged by all sources...ie...solar , 240 , and tug when on the road. Not sure ...but I think they are all that way now.
Cheers Keith
-- Edited by Keith P on Sunday 30th of April 2023 02:31:06 PM
Nuthin is ever the same once I have owned it ......