Two old ladies are sitting at a bus stop, smoking. It begins to rain, and one old lady pulls out a condom, stretches it out, snips the tip off, and puts it over her cigarette so she can smoke without her cigarette getting damp. The other old lady thinks that it is a nifty trick and asks her what she put over her cigarette. The lady replies that it is a condom, and that you can buy them at a pharmacy. The 2nd old lady thanks her and makes a note to pick one up when she gets her prescription filled later that week.
Sure enough, a few days later she enters the pharmacy, goes up to the young man working the counter and says Young man, I would like to buy a condom please. The young man is taken aback by her advanced age, and replies Wow. Good for you! No one has ever asked me for help with that before um. What size do you need? The old woman pauses, then replies I need one that will fit a camel.