A suspected drunken driver accidentally called Nebraska law enforcement on himself, leading to his arrest.
The man called 911 to report another driver who he thought was driving on the wrong side of the highway.
When authorities arrived, it became clear the caller himself was the one driving on the wrong side of the road -- and he was intoxicated.
Been there, done that! Waaaay back when I lived in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, on a wet day, since I couldn't do my work felling trees, I went to the #10 Downing St bar (Pub) and spent the whole day drinking heavily with a lovely lady that I met there.
On the way home, about 10 miles, I wondered why there were so many cars on our side of the freeway. Derrrrr.
No problem though as I simply crossed the median grassed area and continued on my merry way. Cheers