We are in Tasmania and have discovered some really great locations to stay. Tarraleah Estate in the central highlands this location is a hydro electric station. The village has been bought back by the Tas Gov as the station is about to undergo a major upgrade. The area is like being in a botanical garden the variety of trees shrubs and daffodils by the 1000's the some of the van sites are separated by shrubs it is so pleasant with kangaroos,ducks & geese and fields to wander around enjoying the outdoors. The other locacation worth considering is Left of Fields van park on the edge of the Mt FIELD National Park. This van park is a work in progress , the gardens are unique, the variety of trees ,variety of rhodemdroms, nice little van sites separated and pleasant, there is the Visitors centre about 2kms away for information ,cafe and great walks to different waterfalls, there is a fun ride on a device that you pedal on a abandonded rail lines which takes you past pretty creek and scenery. Another attraction in this area is a 16km drive to Hobarts closest snow field ,there is plenty to do plus fishing in season. BOTH ARE WORTH VISITING AND STAYING AT THESE 2 VAN PARKS.