The font and layout suggests that has been around for many years.
Most of the remedies are just deterrents, or killing the workers. I think it is pointless just killing the workers. They just get replaced with more. You need them to take the poison back to the nest so the whole colony dies. The closest in the list that does that is Borax and sugar. That only works with ants wanting sugar.
Meat eaters are a different problem as they totally ignore sugar based baits. For them, I have found Talon gel works well. It only takes a small amount to do the job. Yates produce another gel product with a different ingredient ... I have not tried that.
This is from recent experience with a nest somewhere in my van. I tried the Ant Rid and then borax with various food types, including meat. Totally ignored. But the gel worked in a day or so. Apart from a pile of dead ants there is no sign of them anymore.