Hi, just wondering what caused the old anderson positive connector to corrode.
It's connected to the AGM in the van so is live.
As it was crimped on I was able to manipulate the connector and get the wire out. There was no sign of gunge on the wire so I tidied it up, tinned it and soldered a new lug on.
That is electrolysis, it can be caused by damp dust, salt, seawater, sea air or a number of things that allow electricity to pass back to the earth. The earth that its passing to can be any connection to the vehicle that goes back to the battery.
Did you check the contacts of the Anderson plug of whatever you normally plug into it to see if it is also pitted/corroded?
To me it looks like it has arced due to a bad connection.
Hi Robert,
The vehicle connection is fine as I fitted it new about 20 months ago. The van is 13 years old so not sure how long it's been on the van. It was green when I got it but had cleaned it up.
That is electrolysis, it can be caused by damp dust, salt, seawater, sea air or a number of things that allow electricity to pass back to the earth. The earth that its passing to can be any connection to the vehicle that goes back to the battery.
Thanks Rod, I thought as much as the negative connector is fine.
I've only had the van 20 months and the vehicle connection is all new with the earth grounded to the body not the battery, the van drawbar connector goes to the shunt (negative) then into the battery.
I'll be sure to monitor it and see if "greens" up again.